What is a Cricut and What Can I Do With It?

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A Cricut is the best DIY and craft tool I’ve ever owned! It has allowed me to start a business from home doing something I absolutely love. With my Cricut, I’ve been able to earn extra income working in my spare time, around my own schedule, while being a stay at home mom to my 2 kids.

Before I got my Cricut, I had a ton of questions. Especially regarding how to turn my Cricut hobby into a business that I could make money from. I created this page to help fellow Cricut enthusiasts and entrepreneurs learn how they can make money from home doing something they love. I will save you hours and hours of research that I have done by sharing all my tips, tricks and ideas with you on this page.

So what is a Cricut and what can I do with it? A Cricut is a cutting machine. They are most known for cutting vinyl, but can also be used for cutting hundreds of different types of materials. From something as delicate as tissue paper to as thick as Balsa wood or leather, these incredible machines can do it all! You can cut card stock, paper, fabrics, textiles, vinyl, iron-on, and more. With so many materials to cut, the only limit is your imagination. You can create beautiful and magnificent crafts with extreme ease and precision. Then you can turn these handmade masterpieces into money in your pocket by selling them!

If you’re interested in purchasing a Cricut machine for yourself, learn more about the different models here.